The Irvine Imperiled & Kilwinning Orange News

The Irvine Imperiled & Kilwinning Orange News

Friday 12 February 2016

Irvine Polis Officer Given Recognition For Spending Tax Payers Money Twittering

An Irvine Bobby has been given recognition for spending his time on Twitter instead of beating the streets Sergeant Jason Peter was given the award for his creativity in innovation in use of Social Media.

At a time when crime rates are soaring it's a relief to know that the Tax Payers hard earned is being wisely spent on Police Officers sitting on their arse using Twitter and Social Media rather than being out there catching criminals.

All in a hard days work for this local bobby

After he received the Chief Constables Special Recognition Award, he told The Imperiled 'I feel really honoured for being recognised for my ability to sit on my fat arse, tweeting and twittering away to the local community instead of doing real Polis work. While the streets may not be any safer due to the lack of an extra bobby on the streets, I certainly am. It's a great privilege to be able to be paid for sitting on my jacksey at the tax payers expense, playing candy crush with members of the local community. I feel i've made lots of new friends and engaged with the local community, my Facebook friends list has also shot up in numbers. I feel i'm really giving something back to the community by engaging with them in this modern and novel manner'.

Sgt Neil Howie of Saltcoats had this to say 'I'm proud of Sergeant Peter. Gone are the days when policing was all about being seen in the community and having a presence in the street. Now it's a different game altogether. You have no idea the dangers our officers have to face on a day to day basis in the streets. They used to be threatened with violence, have to deal with all manners of ugly crimes, try to catch criminals etc. Now in this digital age we still use policing methods but instead of dealing with burglaries, muggings etc we have to intervene in arguments online about the Kardashians, who's going to win Big Brother, fights over the X Factor, that kind of thing. It's no easy feat, so we're grateful to have men like this on our team. Plus, the savings on Officers footwear allowances are quite considerable, so we're really doing the Tax Payer a favour'.

Scenes inside Saltcoats Police Station yesterday

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