The Irvine Imperiled & Kilwinning Orange News

The Irvine Imperiled & Kilwinning Orange News

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Brothers in Arms as Rab meets long lost Brother in Hollywood

Big Rab Affleck is no stranger either to readers or to movie and TV fans. Rab has appeared in many popular Films & TV series & is a popular and well respected actor. Famed for playing lummoxes, many would think he has it all. However, there was one secret that has been tearing Rab apart from most of his career. His wee brother was separated from him on a shopping trip to Glasgow when he was younger and he never saw him again. Thinking him lost forever Rab has always felt that connection missing in his life & it tore him apart.

However the Imperiled are happy to report that big Rab has now found his long lost wee brother, and he's none other than Hollywood Star & soon to be Batman Ben Affleck!
Ben & Rab, together again & inseparable

"I was sitting thinking about my lost brother, as I do everyday and then I saw this actor on TV. He looked like my wee brother Ben. I could see the physical similarities - the build, the good looks, the strong athletic shape he was in & I though 'He's awful familiar'. I did a bit of research and I found out this guy was called Affleck too! Ben Affleck!"

"That's when everything fell into place. My wee brother was called Ben & loved acting too. It's in the Affleck blood ye ken. I had found my long lost wee brother!"

A call from his agent, and it turns out that the two brothers were to be reunited at last. Meeting each other for the first time the tears swelled up in big Rab's eyes as he hugged and embraced his wee brother for the first time in decades. Now the pair are inseparable, and Ben is going to help advance Big Rab in his film career. "I cannae believe he's the new Batman! Not only do I get to meet my brother again, but now he's getting me higher profile lummox roles in Hollywood, compared to my usual lummox roles where I get shot or knocked out. We're also doing a film called "Good Will Munting. Fairy stories do come true and there's no bigger fairy than me".
Big Rab celebrates finding his wee brother


  1. Is this serious??? Rabs a great guy his son boxed for the same club as me I never told my parents when I was fighting and when ran was there his voice spurred me on. He is a hero and great actor with or without ben. Good luck rab aka big man

  2. I had to laugh when I read this lol. I'm rabs son n this is a load of rubbish. Ben is no relative of ours n my dad's not even met him

    1. Hi, Im family of the Afflecks. I moved back to Scotland two years ago. My parents moved back just before the covid lockdown. My dad is your dads cousin. I have been trying to find a way to connect with family. My papa was Robert/Bob Affleck that stayed in Hurlford, where I was born. It would be nice to meet some of the Afflecks

  3. no relative;that you KNOW a genealogist,we never say never til we take a look! andmaybe I will

  4. He was Born on the 30th of April 1950.

  5. I hope that they are family. It would make Casey his wee brother also then right? Anyway I hope that the person that said they might check to see if its true helps your family find out. You never know you might find more family that you never knew you had. If it turns out to be true Ran can give Ben some boxing & tough guy lessons

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